
Philippines – 2008


The Ateneo Family Business Development Center of the John Gokongwei School of Management Ateneo de Manila University envisions itself as the leading resource for the strengthening of business families and the development of family businesses in the Asean region.


  1. To educate and assist business families in achieving and sustaining harmonious & fulfilling relationships amongst each other.
  2. To promote professionalism and assist family businesses for sustainable growth through development of competencies in key management functions.
  3. To develop curriculum and conduct research in the area of business families and family businesses.
  4. To recruit, develop, and engage competent committed faculty & resource persons to achieve the Center’s vision.




  • Family Facilitation
  • Crafting of the Family Constitution
  • Family Business Governance
  • Business Family Relationship and Teambuilding Facilitation
  • Family Factor and Succession Planning in Family Businesses
  • Conducting Family Council Meetings


Corporate Engagements

  • Strategic formulation
  • Human Resource Services
  • Financial Wellness
  • Improving Management Systems
  • Financial Wellness Program


Family Business Seminar Series

  • Financial Planning for Family Businesses
  • Human Resource Management
  • Strategic Management
  • Understanding Marketing & Promotions
  • Contemporary Marketing Tools
  • Information/Communication Technology
  • Family Business Governance & Crafting the Family Business
  • Managing Family Dynamics for Business Families
  • Professionalizing the Family Business
  • Succession Planning and Generational Transition
  • Succession and Will
  • Leadership and Change Management in Family Business


Family Business Owners’ Competency Program

  • Accounting: Understanding the Language of Business
  • Business Finance for Better Decision Making
  • Business Statistics
  • Human Resource Management
  • Quantitative Decision Making
  • Operations Strategy
  • Understanding Marketing and Promotions
  • Digital Marketing
  • Strategic Thinking for Long Term Sustainability
  • Managing Family Dynamics for Families in Business
  • Professionalizing the Family Business
  • Family Business Governance, Council and Constitution
  • Succession Planning
  • Leadership and Change Management in Family Business
  • Being Ethical in Business
  • Conducting Family Council Meetings


Breakfast Round Table

  • Conflict Resolution in the Family Business
  • Policy Making in the Family Business
  • Professionalizing the Family Business Crafting a Family Constitution
  • Conducting Healthy Family Meetings for Family Business
  • Effective Family Business Governance
  • Should In-Laws be Outlawed in the Family Business
  • Keeping Family Business Young
  • Strategizing in the Family Business
  • Parents as Role Models in the family Business
  • Professionalizing the Family Business
  • Crafting a Family Constitution
  • Leadership in the family
  • Best Practices in the Pinoy Family, School and Business
  • Mana Po? Wills and Succession
  • Love team in the family business
  • Sibling Revelry
  • Prenuptials agreements
  • Family Business Governance for Family Unity & Business Growth


Conferences, Workshops

Business Leadership Forum

  • It Runs in the Blood
  • It’s all in the Family


Changing Hands Seminar

Secrets of Successful Family Businesses

Growing the Family Business: Empowering the Next Generation

Why Governance and an Engaged Family are Important in Running a Family Business



Equipment in the context of FAB project