
Field Visit and Campus Tour of FAB Consortia in Sarawak, Malaysia

FAB consortium took a field visit to Fezul Foodtech, a leading family business in Kuching, the visit to the State Library and the campus tour of Universiti Teknologi MARA Sarawak Campus. This enriching experience, facilitated by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, fostered collaboration and knowledge exchange among FAB partners.

The FAB project’s field visit in Kuching, Sarawak exemplifies the project’s core values of collaboration and knowledge exchange. The insights gleaned from Fezul Foodtech, the State Library, and UiTM Sarawak will undoubtedly serve as a springboard for future partnerships and initiatives that empower family businesses to thrive in the region.

The Erasmus+ Programme’s support for this field trip underscores its commitment to fostering international collaboration and capacity building in the field of family business education.
