
FAB Dissemination Activity at the Erasmus+ Info Session at Royal University of Law and Economics

Mrs. LY Sokunty, the FAB Project Coordinator from National University of Management, delivered her experiences and best practices from FAB project to the audiences at Erasmus+ Info Session at Royal University of Law and Economics (RULE) in Phnom Penh.

Together with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of Cambodia, the European Union Delegation to Cambodia is organizing information sessions to explain to lecturers and staff the application process for Erasmus+ CBHE funding, develop successful project proposals, the benefits of collaboration with international partners in higher education, and the FAB Project’s experiences and best practices in utilizing Erasmus+ funding. There are over 200 students and lecturers from the Royal University of Law and Economics, the Royal University of Phnom Penh, Phnom Penh International University,the National University of Management, and the American University of Phnom Penh learned more about scholarships to study and teach in Europe and how to apply for funding to collaborate with European universities and improve the university offer in Cambodia.


The Erasmus+ Info Session at RULE is a testament to the growing interest in international collaboration within Cambodian higher education. This event, along with the experiences shared by the FAB Project coordinator, paves the way for future partnerships and the development of impactful projects that benefit students, faculty, and institutions alike.